How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. R. Buckminster Fuller

Monday, 16 November 2009

Stand up for your light!

Finally have the time to write again. No, it is nothing like ‘making time’, it’s ‘finding time‘. The last two months I have moved three times; from Romania to Berlin -into my old WG- then one month to a temporary room and now finally settling down in my new room in a fabulous house, without any exploration date.

Spend the entire last week on a ladder or on my knees, covered in white paint or wondering around in DIY heaven OBI. This lovely shop, almost as amazing as Liddl, was part of my well thought out strategy: LEAVE THE HOUSE AND BRUSH YOUR TEETH!

Every time I went over I made myself brush my teeth -hoping not to scare away the paint, brushes and/or tools I was about to get. On top of this I always ‘accidentally’ forgot something to make sure I had to leave the house the day after. “One, two, three, four…no three sheets of sandpaper will do for today”, I repeatedly said out loud.
Not sure if my picture appeared behind the main-desk yet: “Dangerous and should be taken to closed facility immediately, do not feed!” But, maybe they just ignored me…otherwise I have a good defence: Almost everybody has these funky earphone-phone-clips –ore whatever they are called. I reckon that most of them are schizo anyway and just use them to cover it up. Anyway, let them. I don’t see the problem, you? No, I don’t.

My room. my room, my room is great. Empty and wonderful. Have a cloths rail and a mattress. That’s it. The house is massif, we even have table football and there is a lovely little church over the road. Home is on the Corner of Richardsplatz, but don’t really want to explain more than that neighbourhood used to be a village, still is. We live opposite a blacksmith. Maybe more next time. Maybe not.

At the moment -time of writing- I’m on the train to Utrecht for a sort of early Christmas surprise trip for my mum and dad …Surprise! The sun is out and the 72 year old lady next to me just told me about her Gran Canaria trip. After this her family came up: She had 6 grandchildren, 4 boys and 2 girls, and a very special one. “Special is good”, I said. She smiled and her white hair glistered in the sun. When I offered her one of my tangerines she turned towards me, straightened her back and said out load: “Did you bring those yourself?” It sounded like one of those singing exercise in which every letter needs to be pitched one tone higher. “Aber natürlich..” It was a 6 hour long journey and I was not buying the expensive stuff from the restaurant.

As long as I can remember I’ve made my own lunch package. Everywhere I go I take my bright red Tupperware box with me, filled with yummieness. This loyal companion has been in the family since the Tupperware parties invaded Holland and's a lady... survived many battles against plastic bags and cafeteria food. She does have some knife wounds. To not go overboard I skipped the fact I also backed the bread the night before. This made me wonder, am I old fashioned?

Yesterday afternoon I went to see the lill kids of the hood with their St. Martin's Day lanterns. The parade started in front of the Curch and I wish I had time to make one myself. Unfortunately I was over my head op up Panfu translation work: a new quest about a cursed Diamond, a mummy that’s falling apart and a pirate who lost his parrot. But can’t say more, TOP SECRET!

So, all was happy…till my housemates told me something extremely disturbing and horribly wrong: Most lanterns have electric lights, the real candles have been replaced!!
Where was I when this happened?! Who asked my approval?!! Outrageous! Explanation was that is was saver….SAVER! Yeah sure… much saver to NOT teach our children to handle fire. Right! “This is fire, it can be dangerous... but I’m not going to teach you how to handle it!? By the way, when was the last St. Martin's parade disaster??? Aaa, I see…better let them play with toy guns so they can grow up and fight in some stupid war for the sake of….I forgot.

Electric fucking light! For fuck sake! I’m not sure if I’m old fashioned, better call it slight traditional. You shouldn’t mess with these kind of traditions; the lovely ones that only bring happiness and joy. The candle in the lantern should represents light and warmth. Although I’m not a very traditional Christian, I love the gesture of caring for and passing on the light: A little flame that can be blown out by a slight breeze and need to be handled with care. Should we not learn those kiddos how to be careful, to take care of their lantern...and each other. Not everything can be fixed with technology.

Where is this going, are the candles is the Church going to be next? Will there be energy saving light bulbs switched on instead of candles lit during the x-mass mass? Ten years from now? Maybe five? All those candles can be dangerous....and then there was light, click, switch, plop!
Would you be able to donate a let lamp to remember the death? No more candle wax but special sockets and extension lead options at every bench. "I have a Mary-membership, my lead goes as far as the altar." .....parents have to remind their children not only to bring the bible.. but also the bulb.

Please lill candle, don’t let it get to you! Stand up for your light!