How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. R. Buckminster Fuller
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Central cemetery at night
After sharing this childhood memory with Nicole I remembered reading that there are some famous people buried in Vienna. Nicole told me that she knew which cemetery there probably resting and that it’s a beautiful worth visiting one. She was meeting a friend so I decided to go to this Central Cemetery -that supposedly so big that you can see it from an airplane flying into Vienna- myself. Bloody wintertime made the evening fall quicker than expected and when I got there at 5.45 it was basically dark. But no worries, plenty of candles to show me the way. After searching the main gate for opening hours I discovered I only had 15 minutes left before closing time, but as still determinate to have a little wonder.
-Moving to the restaurant part of the train now for coffee. Wish I could stay on this train for hours. Sun is breaking through. Almost at the Hungarian border-
Ok, I am really getting followed…in the restaurant there was one other person, a train lover from Wales that has friends working in the National Museum in town! Really guys, I’m doing well so please stop checking up on me!!
In the mean time I changed trains in Gyor and am now on a local train.
But back to the cemetery… Dark… Great! Walked to the other side that was open till 7 (mister cemetery man tipped me on this one) Definitely saw Mozart and Beethoven because their names were writing obviously clear and big but could not make much out of the others. Hope I walked past Klimt. After leaning over and carefully trying to reads loads of stones I had to make my way back to the gate. Couldn’t see the time on my watch and didn’t want to be late. Too dark. Going to read my granddads story now. Am in Hungary 29-10-08
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Bohumil Hrabal´s book:

Wednesday, 22 October 2008
…………I’m leaving tomorrow
On my way to
My mum send me quite a long story my granddad wrote about his Hungry (haha) experiences -and I think also about the family and my grandmother (want to save it as long as possible so not sure exactly.) Printed it this morning to take with me. They are both gone, in a way it makes it even more special because the coming weeks they will be back alive through my eyes and thought. I have never known my grandmother but maybe we will meet somewhere, somehow.
Started to make a little Photoshop doc to show where the road hopefully takes me, didn’t finish it though. Was a mix of realising that everybody that reads this blog already knows where I’m going and the bloody carpale tunnel syndrome the makes my live a living hell! Will upload it when I'm back.
After this very good week I decided to start hosting myself. Got my first request and asked Claudia –lady of the house- if it would be ok to help out this
Anyway, it worked out well. He actually slept all 3 nights, including tonight, at his brand new Italian lady friend. They met 4 days ago and get along very well. But this evening after Sushi with Rene I found him in distress back at my place. He was supposed to leave at 8 to meet her, something went wrong....
The other night he took his washing over to hers and was supposed to get it back tonight, sleep… and get the early bus. She would call…but didn’t . “She still has my trousers, what do I need to do?” he asked me. “Just call her!” I said -and was quite surprised he didn't think of that himself. He found out she was having a late diner at a friends, her voice sounded a bit annoyed. Lovely young Belgium boy was in a bit of a panic seeing his bus leaves at 5 tomorrow morning. He left mine at 12 to get his washing.
But besides this non couchsurfing couchsurfing experience it can also work out the other way around. Gemma, the lovely Australian that cured me of me disliking Australians, we just met for coffee about two weeks ago–you don’t have to surf or host, meeting up for drinks is also part of the hole couchsurfing platform. Had more coffee…..diner….wine…coffee…wine.....and she is going to stay in my room for the month I’m gone. She was actually visiting
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Thursday, 9 October 2008

Is a variation on the marathon but than instead running you work non stop for days as a Panda moderator. I can truly say it's hard for me to imagine a world outside Panfu.
Fallen in love with what those kiddos talk about when they walk around in the land of Panfu, decorating their tree house, going for a hair cut, shopping or just decide to have a chill day on the beach. They can also play games and make money with which they can buy stuff –clothes, furniture- but only when they have this special Gold Status…that you need to pay for)
Never expected such inventive little minds, the role plays and language they come up with to trick us is endlessly! Pandas, especially Dutch ones, can be very mean and sneaky getting passwords, email addresses and mobile phone numbers. And then there is always the adult that tries, the poor little boy that also gets picked online and hard core kiddos that think they can hack Panfu. But I see everything. My favourite warning is the message from God –it’s really called that. If you get 3 of those you can’t chat for 30 min. The fun thing is that they get a personalized message with at the end my name: Moderator Judith. Usually this message gets ignored but besides giving a warning I can also give Positive feedback: Panfu is a nice place to live thanks to special pandas like you. Would you not absolutely love getting a message like that? Trust me, pandas go mental. They started talking to me, Judith is lief -Judith is nice in Dutch.
This other panda, Cheesetoasty, doesn’t learn from his mistakes. So many times my housemate heard me say out loud:': “You can’t say that, you know!” than 30 min chat lock and then you could just wait for it…again within a minute.
What’s your password? WW? But than spelt wrong, cut up and send in different messages and more ways of getting away with it. Some kids are more than willing to give any information whatsoever….my mobilenumeris….LOCK. I'm faster and smarter.
The beauty of this job is that I can set my alarm 10 min before my shift begins, go to the toilet –very important and highly underestimated- get the cereal out, make a coffee and get comfortable in the Kitchen. Don’t have to be home, just need a PC and internet cause can download programme anywhere. Also did some Panda checking in
At the beginning it was quite tiring, focusing on this screen that is moving and chancing constantly but at the moment I can easily multitask by Skyping, emailing en couch searching at the same time and still do a good job. Planning a trip to
You should come round when you’re in the neighbourhood.