Too loud and solitude, is an excellent travel companion. Bought it in Prague yesterday with Tine an Tiemo
-A Czech lady that studied Dutch and Japanese in Prague and teaches Dutch at the University and a Guy from Bilthoven
-close to Utrecht where I´m from. Ended up speaking Dutch the whole afternoon. Besides this witty and very nice encounter my couch surfing host simultaneously
hosted 3 Brazilian Au-pair ladies that live in...Holland....till next March
. Or the world is too small or I´m being followed. On my way to Vienna now- the first of probably many detours to my initial "Master Plan". Swapped a stop in Gyor for staying with a couple in Szombathely
and visit the castle of the blood countess Erzsébet Báthory that lies about an hour away from the city of excellent ruins and thermal baths. The train there goes via Vienna, and after not hearing anything from my host last night I posted an emergency request on there couch surfing group. Got two text within a couple of hours and went to sleep knowing someone could host me today. So Austria today and tomorrow the couple in Szombathely
is awaiting me. But first Prague.... What did
I do? Besides getting introduced
to an amazing
Czech writer I´ve been to the church of Baby Jesus -I´m not making this name up, really- and had my photo taken in front of it by one of the two guys id´e traveled with from Dresden
to Prague and accidentally
bumped into again
on that beautiful -but horribely touristic bridge that I forgot the name of. Next to this I also physically suffered from the abundance of minerals and bugs in the National museum that is belonging to one of Europe most significant collection -even curled up in my sleeping bad I could feel my legs ache. The bugs were breathtakingly arranged in this endless labyrinth of solid old fashioned displays -you know, the sloped ones that you can lean on but not supposed to. Nothing was missing, I even saw some new little fellas I´de never seen before. But on the contrary
, I couldn't
take the minerals serious. Although put in the same sort of displays mounted on top of oval trays that were gracefully inscripted
with cold coloured letter stating their name and location of origin, I knew that I was getting tricked. I recon they just came up with some silly names, got some paint and got some tools out of the basement. There where just too many colours, shapes and patterns. I basically spotted a piece of old wallpaper and some mouldy bread... those currators
should have been a bit more careful
. And not to forget the names! Samsonite, Develin, Zoisit...they could have tried to be more creative and come up with something like: Judithdoneit? Those Czechs -if you ask me- just drink too much. It´s not their fault, its the government
. They make the booze cheaper than coffee...yeah, what do you expect?? I think I´m gonna write to them because it got worse. In a dark little corner I spotted the back of a hedgehog covered in a terrible looking skin disease
.... descised as a rock! There are limits. Also saw a photo exhibition in remembrance
of Palach´s funeral and swear I saw a little boy passing by with a red and blue stripy jumper saying: "No suicide
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