It's Friday eve. I'm on the train again and over thinking the past few days. Read my granddads story about what he remembered my grandmother told him about how it was for her growing up in Hungary and how they eventually got together and the tragic of dying too young. I was very touched and it even got me in a bit of a melancholic mood. What a live. The toothless old man and his wive also didn't help. Old people -like babies- have is distinguished smell, but these people smelled differently. They smelled of Hungary. Although I never been there before I swear I recognized it...maybe it were the words of my grandfather or perhaps they had some of my mums goulash for lunch. Who knows? After finishing the 15 paged story I made myself a promise to visit her grave next time I'm in Holland. This was a good start of the coming 3 days cause I was staying with a very spiritual couple in Szombathely: Tibor and Andrea. Can't possibly describe how amazing this pair was, especially Andrea had this magical effect on me. Her whole way of living fascinated me. After walking to their place an getting to know each other through limited use of language and a lot of flapping with our arms we roasted chestnuts, ate apples and drank filtered water. Andrea is a Budist and only eats Bio products. She used to be a masseur but developed an unfortunate Hernia so can't work anymore and lies on a bed of nails everyday for at least half an hour as a treatment. We talked for hours about everything and nothing and sometimes understanding each other without words. Tibor worked Wednesday and Thursday and during those days I left the house for 2 hours to visit the local modern art Gallery and went shopping at Inter Spar. Also slept a lot, discussed the meaning of friendships and exchanged German vocab. When Tibor came back from work -he has many jobs but mainly masseur and fitness instructor in Vienna- we talked more and used him to translate some of the questions we had for one another. We basically couldn't always find the right words which a lot of the time was very funny. On Friday -which is today- we made a trip to Kozeg, a lovely city with an important castle that stopped the Turks (ca. 1000 years ago) from getting to Vienna. After walking around we visited the cemetery -this is a reoccurring theme cause Eduard in Pecs is also taking me to the cemetery tomorrow eve. The reason that so many Hungarians visit the cemeteries so much around this time is because tomorrow it is All Souls day, the day after all Saints day -ore like the Brits like to call it: Halloween. Both days actually don't have anything to do with getting as much candy as you can carry but with remembering the saints and the loved ones that passed away.
Top middle my Grandmother with on the left her brother and on the right my grandfather. Sitting below are her parents.
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