How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else.
R. Buckminster Fuller
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Conspiracy theory
Today I found out that my lovely friends in Wales still think about me. Iris, the Art-fusion project coordinator, told me this today in the bus on our way to the Village museum. Yeah, cool….but how does she know this? Lately these things happen to me a bit too much that its becoming strange. I will explain. Iris went to a training in Japan last week where she met Georgie from UNA exchange, the lady that is responsible for my departure to Romania that lives in Cardiff and knows my friend Ewan -and probably many others by now. When Iris told me that back in Wales my friends still think about me I was speechless, turned red and kept on saying “O my god!” Surrounded by Romanians that routinely make a cross whilst passing a church –also in the bus- it must have been quite a funny thing to see. God. I'm not forgotten, can even travel in thoughts from Wales to Japan ending up in Romania by a string of people that all play a role in my life and there random encounters. This maybe sounds a bit soppy, but it made me feel warm inside that after more than a year I’m still in the thoughts of my Welsh friends.
If you think this run-in is bizarre, I will tell you what happened last night. We first watched a film and ate pancakes and a bin bag filled with popcorn at Anna’s and Bzzz, not weird at all. After a lot of laughing and a little nap for most of us we went out dancing in Control, one of many clubs in Bucharest. We got there around midnight in quite a big group. It was busy. I looked around and suddenly someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see who it was and my mouth fell open.
The time in between living in Berlin and moving to Bucharest I lived with my dad in Utrecht for a month. I tried to prepare as much as possible for this whole new culture I was about to enter, and one day I searched on the couch surfing site to see if there were any Romanian speaking people in Utrecht. There was only one match, his name was Zohar, an Israeli guy that lived in Bucharest but moved to Utrecht for his study. We met up for a coffee and he told me a lot about the Romanian culture and Bucharest.
There he was, just visiting for a couple of days. Of the many clubs in Bucharest he decided to go to this one, amazing. After doing the whole “O my god!” routine he introduced me to his friends that wanted to show me this other club. It was on the edge of town, quite expensive and nothing I had ever seen they sad. Needed to see this place! I didn't fit in at all, but loved it al the better. Crystal is the trendy place to be with exotic dancers and funky light shows. So wrong that it was perfect for me. When I got home early in the morning the others weren’t there yet, they came home during my kitchen routine. When I told them about the club they didn’t believe it, Iris kept on shouting “Did you go to Crystal, o my god!” The whole block had an early wake-up call.
The past few days I used the phrase “O my god!” many more times, like when I bought hand made puppets on the market and after having too many milkshakes…. not to forget the fun chicken night.
The text below is quite out dated but I decided not to delete it, it's quite fun to see the change over time :)
I'm a self employed Trash Collector / Creative Value Coach and work, life and breath together with the wonderful people of Kulturlabor Trial & Error together with many other great communities like Open Design City and the ones you can read about in my posts ....
I collect trash -have quite a treasure- and beside this feel strongly about creating community projects where people get together, exchange their ideas and visions of how they would like to see their living environment develop in a more sustainable and social one and initiate practical projects.
Moved to Berlin April '08, learned German and did a 3 months intern ship at a museum for Children. Thanks to the project that sorted this out for me -Leonardo- I fell in love with the City and stayed....but not too long because I saw a new voluntary project coming up. Since January '09 I live in Romania, Bucharest and do an EVS at an organisation that's called Art-Fusion and that are specialized in Forum Theatre and street animation. Hoping to get good in at least one of them :)
Besides this I'm long distance working for Panfu, a virtual play and learn world for kids on the internet for which I do translation and support for their Dutch site. Check it out,but watch is addictive to be a Panda
Ehh, back in Berlin again since September ''s getting a bit complicated to explain where home is.
Hope you enjoy reading my blog. Please don't hesitate to respond.
1 comment:
I can't believe it's been "more than a year" since you left Wales!
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