How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. R. Buckminster Fuller

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Be creative and loud and never start to doubt!

* photo made yesterday when we went swimming in the Brienzer cold and wonderful! Feel happy and silly like always :)

Good bye Berlin, I've moved on to the Center Of Unity, Schweibenalp, feel super excited and would love to share my adventures!

Various people have asked me to stay in touch and share stories of what is happening here up in the mountains so I will try write as much as I can!

This blog was born five years ago, when I moved from Cardiff to Berlin...feels like another lifetime when I think about it now. So much has happened in these years... swapped Berlin for Bucharest and back..... started to work with Trial&Error on projects.... lived in the country side supporting a Community Supported Agriculture to know the Dragon Dreaming community, organizing workshops in Berlin....and more :)

Thank you all for the wonderful time we could spend together! I've learned so much about myself, especially through our intense group processes. You are all wonderful mirrors to me :)

Why did I move?

Through all the experiences I've realized that I feel strongly about exploring and experiencing new life and work forms that are ideally equally supporting personal development, group process and are in service to the earth. Project that are transparent and does not exploits people or resources.

I feel that the way I (we) have been working in conventional systems basically involved a lot of planning and doing of projects that the majority of the time work toward personal profit. This personal profit, sometimes seen as 'personal freedom', a lot of the time implies that someone is working for you. This someone does not have this 'personal freedom' and looses..... A lot of the time we are not aware of this because the processes are not transparent: Did You for example know that with buying a new Mobile phone you indirectly give money to rebels in Congo to buy guns? Your mobile phone contains conflict minerals. I feel the importance to be aware of this, finding new alternatives and letting go of this old fashion sense of 'freedom' and trying out new ways essential. In the case of Mobile phones a Group of people are developing an alternative: Fair Phone  and there are millions others creative ways to be fair!

Besides global effects I also feel that the conventional system have challenging effect on me on various other levels......heavy group dynamics, exhaustion and disconnection of why I (we) are actually doing all these projects, lack of consciousness about natural resources. No space to get deeper in our deepest motivation nor time to evaluate and celebrate.

Step by step my wish arose to live in a community to more intensely experience  innovative and sustainable options and to experience group processes side to side ..... so I kept my eyes open for possibilities to explore.

Last December I first visited the Community and Eco Village Schweibenalp: Center of Unity, in Brienz, Switzerland

"Schweibenalp's Vision is to live in a holistic way that makes a peaceful, sustainable and conscious togetherness possible. Together with enableling mindfulness, awareness and transparency with oneself and others to leads to a responsible and sustainable behaviour in Ecology, Economy and Society. At Schweibenalp People from different cultural, religious and spiritual traditions can live together peacefully with the Motto “Free in the mind – united in the heart”."

From the start on I felt a beautiful resonance with the site, the nature, the community, the seminars (rediscovered the exciting feeling I have when I'm dancing) and Vision. After a couple of intensive visits I suggested to come and support the Seminar household work. Last March we tried this out and it suited for all! On the 17th of July officially moved over, just perfect :)

So far for now, till next update! Will definitely try to post something about the wonderful Alpine Permaculture Garden and the great international gatherings that will take place, like GEN - Global Eco Village Network Meeting.

With Love.


1 comment:

Corina Simon said...

I am so glad to have Judit join us in Schweibenalp. I feel this shall support CELEBRATION.

This is our newest description sent to EUROTOPIA.

Center of Unity Schweibenalp is now 30 years old!

The first 25 years we served as an Ashram, as a place and meeting point for spiritual practice of all traditions, as a community, as a seminar center for inter-religious and intercultural peace work. In UNIPEACE a yearly peace festival we continue to celebrate the loving unity of the global spiritual family.

Since 5 years our commission has modified, free from any fixed spiritual bindings and discipline as a community and in network with other communities we investigate models for a peaceful, cooperative, sustainable culture of life. This in terms of a vision where there is coherence of sustainable ecology, just economy, transparent and libertine living together and the evolution and care of a radical spiritual consciousness.

Each person and each community is unique and still part of the whole in an evolution without end.
Our focus is with the individual, the community, our volunteers, global and for our guests. We truly wish that everyone feels well here and can feel the spirit of our community and this power place.

The seminar center is evolving well due to our great new seminar hall of 250sqm and our excellent vegetarian kitchen.
The challenge of our alpine permaculture project at 1100 m is the transformation of our 20ha pasture and forest into a intensively cultivated model of agriculture.
With changing tools and organically we devote a lot of our free time for the care of our community.
We see ourselves as one of many communities in a world-wide network looking for solutions and possibilities in many areas of life.
We are founding community of the GREEN PHOENIX a community of communities and platform of experts.