How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. R. Buckminster Fuller
Saturday, 29 June 2013
its raining man
Its been raining today, all different kinds of rain from buckets till misty clouds. The snails love it, the lettuce tastes even better freshly washed I think :) Collecting snails and relocating them to outside of Schweibenalp is a important job on days like this.
Today my day my sun was shining full force, together with 3 wonderful volunteers we made the house shine and had real nice talks for example about how important it is to do the things you do with love and devotion. I feel when I do this the it does not really matter what I do because then all feels just perfect. The thought of not always wanting to do something special, or be something special, but see the special in every moment and in everything.
Something special that might sound like just another meeting are the Gemeinschafts eveings, a round for the community that usually happens twice a week ...if not more. Its like a a family getting together where besides the sharing of everyday themes and events there is space to look at relations, all sorts of feeling and conflicts. A way I could describe these evenings is that through each other we are faced with mirrors and learn and share to step by step find ways how we can see, love and accept ourselves and each other in all our diversity to be able to together grow experiment further in creating our playground of the future. Yesterday the theme was the relation between man and woman and the process of conflict.
I wish I could explain it better, but a t the moment the words don't want to get out. For me these meetings are a great learning, that I can say very clear.
Just now came back from the Bar, little room next to the dining hall, where Charly and Norbert played guitar and sang oldies. Sang along and danced a little, so nice. Now going up to the Alphaus to sleep. Tomorrow Havan at 7.15 -Fire ceremony
Good night!
...a couple of days ago the sun was shining and it was summer dress weather! Had half a day off and went kayaking with Karsten on the lake of Brienz, so beautiful....
Today my day my sun was shining full force, together with 3 wonderful volunteers we made the house shine and had real nice talks for example about how important it is to do the things you do with love and devotion. I feel when I do this the it does not really matter what I do because then all feels just perfect. The thought of not always wanting to do something special, or be something special, but see the special in every moment and in everything.
Something special that might sound like just another meeting are the Gemeinschafts eveings, a round for the community that usually happens twice a week ...if not more. Its like a a family getting together where besides the sharing of everyday themes and events there is space to look at relations, all sorts of feeling and conflicts. A way I could describe these evenings is that through each other we are faced with mirrors and learn and share to step by step find ways how we can see, love and accept ourselves and each other in all our diversity to be able to together grow experiment further in creating our playground of the future. Yesterday the theme was the relation between man and woman and the process of conflict.
I wish I could explain it better, but a t the moment the words don't want to get out. For me these meetings are a great learning, that I can say very clear.
Just now came back from the Bar, little room next to the dining hall, where Charly and Norbert played guitar and sang oldies. Sang along and danced a little, so nice. Now going up to the Alphaus to sleep. Tomorrow Havan at 7.15 -Fire ceremony
Good night!
...a couple of days ago the sun was shining and it was summer dress weather! Had half a day off and went kayaking with Karsten on the lake of Brienz, so beautiful....
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Field(s) of play and experimentation
One way I experience Schweibenalp is like a wonderfull test area for new ways of living and working together in a way that works for all. To Keep it playfull the slide and swing support us :D
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Be creative and loud and never start to doubt!
Good bye Berlin, I've moved on to the Center Of Unity,
Schweibenalp, feel super excited and would love to share my
Various people have asked me to stay in touch and share
stories of what is happening here up in the mountains so I will try write
as much as I can!
This blog was born five years ago, when
I moved from Cardiff to Berlin...feels like another lifetime when I
think about it now. So much has happened in these years... swapped
Berlin for Bucharest and back..... started to work with Trial&Error
on projects.... lived in the country side supporting a Community Supported Agriculture farm....got to know the Dragon
Dreaming community, organizing workshops in Berlin....and more :)
Thank you all for the wonderful time we
could spend together! I've learned so much about myself, especially
through our intense group processes. You are all wonderful mirrors to
me :)
Why did I move?
Through all the experiences I've realized that I feel strongly about exploring and experiencing new life and work forms that are ideally equally supporting personal development, group process and
are in service to the earth. Project that are transparent and does not exploits people or resources.
I feel that the way I (we) have been working in conventional systems basically involved a lot of planning and doing of projects that the majority of the time work toward personal profit. This personal profit, sometimes seen as 'personal freedom', a lot of the time implies that someone is working for you. This someone does not have this 'personal freedom' and looses..... A lot of the time we are not aware of this because the processes are not transparent: Did You for example know that with buying a new Mobile phone you indirectly give money to rebels in Congo to buy guns? Your mobile phone contains conflict minerals. I feel the importance to be aware of this, finding new alternatives and letting go of this old fashion sense of 'freedom' and trying out new ways essential. In the case of Mobile phones a Group of people are developing an alternative: Fair Phone www.fairphone.com and there are millions others creative ways to be fair!
Besides global effects I also feel that the conventional system have challenging effect on me on various other levels......heavy group dynamics, exhaustion and disconnection of why I (we) are actually doing all these projects, lack of consciousness about natural resources. No space to get deeper in our deepest motivation nor time to evaluate and celebrate.
Step by step my wish arose to live in a community to more intensely experience innovative and sustainable options and to experience group processes side to side ..... so I kept my eyes open for possibilities to explore.
I feel that the way I (we) have been working in conventional systems basically involved a lot of planning and doing of projects that the majority of the time work toward personal profit. This personal profit, sometimes seen as 'personal freedom', a lot of the time implies that someone is working for you. This someone does not have this 'personal freedom' and looses..... A lot of the time we are not aware of this because the processes are not transparent: Did You for example know that with buying a new Mobile phone you indirectly give money to rebels in Congo to buy guns? Your mobile phone contains conflict minerals. I feel the importance to be aware of this, finding new alternatives and letting go of this old fashion sense of 'freedom' and trying out new ways essential. In the case of Mobile phones a Group of people are developing an alternative: Fair Phone www.fairphone.com and there are millions others creative ways to be fair!
Besides global effects I also feel that the conventional system have challenging effect on me on various other levels......heavy group dynamics, exhaustion and disconnection of why I (we) are actually doing all these projects, lack of consciousness about natural resources. No space to get deeper in our deepest motivation nor time to evaluate and celebrate.
Step by step my wish arose to live in a community to more intensely experience innovative and sustainable options and to experience group processes side to side ..... so I kept my eyes open for possibilities to explore.
Last December I first visited the
Community and Eco Village Schweibenalp: Center of Unity, in Brienz,
Switzerland www.schweibenalp.ch
Vision is to live in a holistic way that makes a peaceful,
sustainable and conscious togetherness possible. Together with enableling mindfulness, awareness and transparency with oneself
and others to leads to a responsible and sustainable behaviour in
Ecology, Economy and Society. At Schweibenalp People from different
cultural, religious and spiritual traditions can live together
peacefully with the Motto “Free in the mind – united in the
From the start on I felt a beautiful
resonance with the site, the nature, the community, the seminars (rediscovered the exciting feeling I have when I'm dancing) and Vision. After a
couple of intensive visits I suggested to come and support the Seminar
household work. Last March we tried this out and it suited for all! On the 17th of July officially moved over, just perfect :)
So far for now, till next update! Will definitely try to post something about the wonderful Alpine Permaculture Garden and the great international gatherings that will take place, like GEN - Global Eco Village Network Meeting.
With Love.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
texts saved for one reason or another
+25.01.2010 / 22:56:14 [492] I've just come back from standing in a freezing field for 3 days being licked by horses whilst holding a giant aztec skull with glowing eyes covered in bacon. This is my idea of spring.x
+29.01.2010 / 22:04:05 [801] Na du kommst mit, logisch! :) ich meld mich dann nochmal
+02.02.10 / 12:53:36 [445] Hoi Judith, ik ben nu in Berlijn. Het zal leuk zijn om jou te zien. Groetjes, Klaus
+05.02.10 / 08:14:26 [823] It was that lovely i realized exactlt the same way. My thoughts could use your words. Sorry for not writing back yesterday. Somethimes there is not even one free minute. And at the moment i think going out this weekend isnt right fr me. was drunken as a sailorman. Need a bit silence, need a bit daylight, need a bit me. But. when mood in changing i call you, Ju. :) hug!
+20.03.10 / 00:05:50 [492] Oodely noodely Oodie. big rainy hello. Look no snow. See if the queen we let you use her loo.xx
+27.03.10 / 16:03:51 [492] Lovely to finally meet another Meijer though. Pitty you can't come to bristol tomorrow. I'll say hello to the mummies from you. I'm sure they'll rememeber you.x
+29.03.10 / 00:46:25 [492] Your my girl in the bubble.xxx
+07.04.10 / 20:40:38 [907] Hey my dear, i am still in the Woods, i hike a lot, meet some origins and tomorrow i have a Date with a Horse, hope she will not throw me off. I will be back in Berlin on friday Night, maybe you would like to come over then? x ander
+08.04.10 / 20:15:45 [907] Aloa mon amure, just got back from a nice Ride with Anita, she was quite nice warm and calm. Was a little frightening to handle that Big Thing, but th...
+29.01.2010 / 22:04:05 [801] Na du kommst mit, logisch! :) ich meld mich dann nochmal
+02.02.10 / 12:53:36 [445] Hoi Judith, ik ben nu in Berlijn. Het zal leuk zijn om jou te zien. Groetjes, Klaus
+05.02.10 / 08:14:26 [823] It was that lovely i realized exactlt the same way. My thoughts could use your words. Sorry for not writing back yesterday. Somethimes there is not even one free minute. And at the moment i think going out this weekend isnt right fr me. was drunken as a sailorman. Need a bit silence, need a bit daylight, need a bit me. But. when mood in changing i call you, Ju. :) hug!
+20.03.10 / 00:05:50 [492] Oodely noodely Oodie. big rainy hello. Look no snow. See if the queen we let you use her loo.xx
+27.03.10 / 16:03:51 [492] Lovely to finally meet another Meijer though. Pitty you can't come to bristol tomorrow. I'll say hello to the mummies from you. I'm sure they'll rememeber you.x
+29.03.10 / 00:46:25 [492] Your my girl in the bubble.xxx
+07.04.10 / 20:40:38 [907] Hey my dear, i am still in the Woods, i hike a lot, meet some origins and tomorrow i have a Date with a Horse, hope she will not throw me off. I will be back in Berlin on friday Night, maybe you would like to come over then? x ander
+08.04.10 / 20:15:45 [907] Aloa mon amure, just got back from a nice Ride with Anita, she was quite nice warm and calm. Was a little frightening to handle that Big Thing, but th...
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Don't forget the fire!
Since the Löwengarten wishlist is online, and Simon recovered from his cold and is back in good health, the house and land is magical transforming - triggered by various causes....
Many people from the Versorgungsgemeinschaft are showing interest in Löwengarten 'insides' and Simon's email inbox in being occupied with requests like: Can I please have that cupboard....I would like some firewood.....Tools are being added and fly out again almost straight away :) A lot of the beautiful furniture is made by Simon himself -from many different kinds of wood- and have a very unique construction. It's wonderful to find many enthusiastic adoptive parents. The fist van load of treasures has found it's way to Berlin and the spaces cupboards ad shelves created in the house are being filled in with some DIY experimental constructions with vegetable boxes and ropes :) Looks great!
Besides working on the land and taking care of the animals our daily routine involves photographing, sorting and packing all that needs to go - either to Simon's parents or to the Löwengarten Wish-list. Imagine us: Simon with a measuring tape and writing board and me with a camera running around in and around the house..."Aaaaa, this can also go!" .....Simon cheerfully noticed another chair :) "Photo time Judith!" Klik and flits....and next one...but not without creating our own playground of furniture that we climb and pose on! Some things got me so excited by that I just had to put them online... There is a epic mountain of banana cartons stacked at the attic and I was super inspired to put them online - forgetting that Simon needs most of them for the move.... a classic trail and error ;)
Usually I'm updating the site in the evening and have to take care that cyberspace does not get in the way of my fire ritual, it's freezing and my room needs to be heated. It happened quite often this last week that I suddenly jumped up and shouted "O no, I forgot to keep an eye on the fire"...but actually with more shit an fuck in the vocabulary :D Now there is a note lying around on Simon desk saying: Don't forget the fire!
Another movement is happing in the garden, the cows moved to a new part with fresh grass and lushes leaves! Yesterday we moved the fence and made a way towards the next part of the garden that can be mowed. They are very happy standing next to the Greenhouse. This morning I went to see them with some breakfast-bread and they where moo-ing very satisfied. It was a wonderful cold and sunny morning.
Tomorrow we will go to Berlin to deliver some wood and I will stay in the city - after almost 3 weeks at this lovely place I decided to go on a little weekend trip to Köln :) A while ago I was invited to help with an exhibition / workshop around and about upcycling: Messe de Meister von Morgen . Yesterday while schuffling some Mist in the morning I remembered this invite and felt inspired to join Jorge, our great Trial and Error intern. I called Inga- the organiser from JACK IN THE BOX She was very happy to hear I'm making my way over, and so am I!
Will take Perceval and a couple of Steiners with me to continue where Simon stopped - hope I can change into reading myself instead of being read to :) Linking the ritual of reading to each other very much, maybe we can start a little circle in Berlin, I'm up for it!
Love to all
Friday, 13 January 2012
black salsify

A little dip into the past of how..... Löwengarten got into my HEART.
Last November Tau, Roland, Sandra and myself spend 4 days at Löwengarten.
This photo was taken by Hinnerk back then, a lovely Neuköln-er that also joined the fun and shows my very first harvesting experience :) Sandra is holding a beauty of a Schwarzwurzel in her hand- they are called black salsify in English.
back into the now.....
Yesterday we where in Berlin for the delivery of the vegetables and a CSA meeting in the evening - in cosy Ida Nowhere. Hinnerk also happened to be there and told me he developed his images, today he send them to me. Great! Thank you so much.
I'm cheerful and happy, hope you are too.
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