Since the Löwengarten wishlist is online, and Simon recovered from his cold and is back in good health, the house and land is magical transforming - triggered by various causes....
Many people from the Versorgungsgemeinschaft are showing interest in Löwengarten 'insides' and Simon's email inbox in being occupied with requests like: Can I please have that cupboard....I would like some firewood.....Tools are being added and fly out again almost straight away :) A lot of the beautiful furniture is made by Simon himself -from many different kinds of wood- and have a very unique construction. It's wonderful to find many enthusiastic adoptive parents. The fist van load of treasures has found it's way to Berlin and the spaces cupboards ad shelves created in the house are being filled in with some DIY experimental constructions with vegetable boxes and ropes :) Looks great!
Besides working on the land and taking care of the animals our daily routine involves photographing, sorting and packing all that needs to go - either to Simon's parents or to the Löwengarten Wish-list. Imagine us: Simon with a measuring tape and writing board and me with a camera running around in and around the house..."Aaaaa, this can also go!" .....Simon cheerfully noticed another chair :) "Photo time Judith!" Klik and flits....and next one...but not without creating our own playground of furniture that we climb and pose on! Some things got me so excited by that I just had to put them online... There is a epic mountain of banana cartons stacked at the attic and I was super inspired to put them online - forgetting that Simon needs most of them for the move.... a classic trail and error ;)
Usually I'm updating the site in the evening and have to take care that cyberspace does not get in the way of my fire ritual, it's freezing and my room needs to be heated. It happened quite often this last week that I suddenly jumped up and shouted "O no, I forgot to keep an eye on the fire"...but actually with more shit an fuck in the vocabulary :D Now there is a note lying around on Simon desk saying: Don't forget the fire!
Another movement is happing in the garden, the cows moved to a new part with fresh grass and lushes leaves! Yesterday we moved the fence and made a way towards the next part of the garden that can be mowed. They are very happy standing next to the Greenhouse. This morning I went to see them with some breakfast-bread and they where moo-ing very satisfied. It was a wonderful cold and sunny morning.
Tomorrow we will go to Berlin to deliver some wood and I will stay in the city - after almost 3 weeks at this lovely place I decided to go on a little weekend trip to Köln :) A while ago I was invited to help with an exhibition / workshop around and about upcycling: Messe de Meister von Morgen . Yesterday while schuffling some Mist in the morning I remembered this invite and felt inspired to join Jorge, our great Trial and Error intern. I called Inga- the organiser from JACK IN THE BOX She was very happy to hear I'm making my way over, and so am I!
Will take Perceval and a couple of Steiners with me to continue where Simon stopped - hope I can change into reading myself instead of being read to :) Linking the ritual of reading to each other very much, maybe we can start a little circle in Berlin, I'm up for it!
Love to all
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