Yesterday evening I set the alarm to get up early and to head out to the pastures. We wanted to get an hour or so work done before breakfast. There was still lots of shit to collect..
"What are you doing? It is still dark...." Pavlik mumbled when I turned off the alarm and whispered good morning. He peacefully closed his eyes again and I joined him. Five minutes later I lit the candle and pored us a cup of tea from the thermos and we slowly got up.
The misty dusk had almost passed away by the time our short walk brought us to destination 'Kuhfladen' where the fun started: How to collect as much shit with the least amount of effort? Pavlik proposed the 80/20 rule; to get 80 percent of the work done with 20 percent of the effort...a real challenge on one hand wanted to collect every little shit possible, every crumb of manure, and Pavlik on the productivity side of it wanting the get the job done. It was quite some shit you must know so I voted for his strategy ;)
First rule: Start at the end of the long as you don't take shit away from it's destination there is not much that can go wrong - I wanted to start collecting straight away and take the shits on a trip, but no way :) "Judith, what are you doing" was said repeatedly to me. "Don't touch the shit with your hands, just use the fork...please leave the crumbs" and "Stop playing with the shit and get back to work" also made me laugh. After a while we where a well programmed shit-team and had shit loads of fun.
Pavlik still had some wished though: A golf car please with a big hover mouth to suck up the shit, then it would go much faster and it wouldn't be so heavy. Some shits where huge and weight a couple of kilos. it looked like an elephant passed by.
Around 9 pm the sun rose high enough that if peeked over the first trees in the distance shining a line of light over the pasture, we happened to be right in it. It's strength and warmth was unbelievable. We decided to leave for the house with two hungry stomachs but waited to enjoy this moment. With our eyes closed we absorbed the suns energy and I couldn't have wished for a more beautiful start of the day.
We walked back and together with Simon made breakfast. After lovely fruit-salad and cream I took my camera to the Misthaufe - the place where all the shit comes together and gets mixed with leaves and straw to rest and become Humus- and to capture some shit action...there where some hours of work to do.
By 2 pm we finished clearing the pasture and after lunch we emptied the containers at the Misthaufe....i kept on stepping in it :)
Nineteen big containers filled with shit we managed to gather today. Big shit muscle ache tomorrow.
We made pancakes for diner to celebrate <3
...Simon only has 4 cows, just imagine the shit he would be in if he had 40!
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