This story is inspired by Hilde Porch's pinnwand photo and dedicated to all the fishes in the sea.
Ones upon a time, when the king was still alive, there lived a little fish called Elvis. Elvis was a little blue fish with amazingly long lashes, they were so long that he could barely open his eyes. His lashes were so heavy that they closed his eyes like heavy curtains.
He never saw the town he lived in and swam around trusting his ears to guide him. He had an excellent pair of ears. He could recognise the voices from every animal in town but only saw their faces in his dreams. The only one he'd ever seen was his neighbour Mister seahorse.
Mister seahorse sometimes lifted Elvis his lashes up so he could see the colourful world around him. Unfortunately Mister seahorse was a very busy seahorse. When Elvis rang him up to ask him if he could help him he rarely had time. He almost always said he was too busy with working and dancing "Sorry Elvis, I'm too busy with working and dancing" he then said. It had been more than a year ago he last seen him.
Elvis became a little blue fish in social isolation. One day he said it was too much "It is too much!" he said. He decided to do something about his long lashes "I'm going to do something about these damm long lashes" he said. "I want to see the other fish in the sea and make friend." He also said he was also tired of always bumping into the same seacumcumer on his way to the recording studio. Elvis had a gift for singing but never found his way to the studio. He couldn't see the way and nobody wanted to help him.
The wise lobster heard him talk and offered to cut his lashes of. He said he could sell them on the black market. Elvis was too scared that mister lobster might cut him and passed politely.
Also the slimy sea-snake heard about Elvis his plan and tried to trick him into becoming her next meal "Psssss, Elvissss...I can helpsss yousss" she whispered with a hungry voice. "No way!" Elvis said. "I might not be able to see you but that doesn't mean I'm stupid!"
Elvis sat down on his porch made out of shells and fiddled around with a piece of seaweed, he wished he could see the slimy strings that was squishing between his fingers and started to cry. He felt like the loneliness little blue fish in the whole wide sea.
In that very moment two little fish from out of town swam past. They just moved over for a praktikum at the local mascara factory "Octopussy".
The two little fish were very tired after a days testing mascara and serving black coffee. Mister octopus, the boss of the company, drank coffee like it was water. He kept on complained that the coffee wasn't black enough "This coffee is not black enough!" he kept on screaming. The two little fish were so tired that they almost fell al sleep whilst swimming.
When they saw Elvis sitting on his porch crying his lill fish heart out they wondered what made him sad and decided to swim over "What is wrong? Why are you crying little blue fish?" they asked him. Elvis was surprised that someone took the time to swim over and ask him what was wrong but was too embarrassed to tell the truth "I'm not crying, I just have something in my eye." He said. "Ahh, how inconvenient" the one little fish said."We will help you to get it out." the other little fish said.
Elvis was speechless. The two fish deliberated and decided that Elvis his lashes were to long to see what was in his eye. They took an ultra curly waterproof mascara tester out of their work bag and painted Elvis his lashes black. Elvis his lashes curled up and.....he could see the world around him.
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