"Traveling is great, you meet so many new people!" a girl said to another whilst waiting in line. "I fucking hate this town and can't wait to get out of it" she continued. "Nothing ever happens here!" she repeated several times, every time with the volume tuned up a bit. Then it got quiet.....
Is it great? Does traveling make things happen? Is it not you that should make things happen? I say traveling is a mind fuck. It is hard and you should definitely not underestimate it. When you overdo it involves having little roots and friends you'll never truly know for who they really are. Too many good byes and too little soil to settle into. People move one, and I think they should.
The other day I was thinking about thoughts. Who is controlling your thought? Are you the owner of your own thought or is it actually the people around you that unconsciously put your thoughts into you head, your actions....by just being, communicating and sharing? Personally I think this is true that your thoughts are actually not your possession, you're not the owner of your brainwaves. Don't get too exited when you come up with a great idea, it's not yours to claim. It is a mix of input of other people that also received input from other people and interpreted that into their own reality and pass it on to you.
This is not always the case. When you are alone you mind only get input from yourself, but therefore go more likely to go in circles of the patterns you know. Not always. Why would you adjust the things when you know they are working? But then.. everyone is curious about other people and why they make other decisions. Why do other people see other things, and should I also see them? This envious behaviour distracts us from who we really are and what we should really listen to. There are no circles when you can see spirals. The grass. Other people.
I cant really think very well when I'm around people. Can you?
It can feel OK in the echo chamber for a while.
We need other people to send us new signals and refashion our assumptions, in order to experience joys not only undiscovered, but sometimes completely unknown.
So I agree!
i do think, that you cannot claim itellectual property, nobody can possess a idea, a individuality or a subject. But you can claim some private sphere - and you could try to hide a sheet or a thought and call it secret.
i never really understood the sentence "information is power", since i live in a world where sharing information and techniques is common sense. But imagine theres no internet, no map and no sheet - then it becomes literally obvious, how powerfull virtual goods and how worthy pragmatical results of causal thinking can be.
so i am divided between found,, ride and bucket brainwaves and keeping usefull minds just in case.
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