How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. R. Buckminster Fuller

Sunday, 6 April 2008

day 3

Think my little prayer worked or maybe they forgot about me, anyway got away with it this time. Not to worry Lisa.

Bought a bike this morning on a little flea market, actually I bought two but the first one broke down in about 5 minutes. Two lovely Turks took it a while before they discovered the pedal really abgeknickt and wasn’t that easy to repair. Got my money back and went on hunting and found a red one with a squeaky daffy duck horn, Pep Pep! You should try it Ismaël, next lesson is with both feet on the pedals.

Going cycling in Tiergarten later, supposed to be beautiful.

Language course is kicking off tomorrow but I have already been pestering loads of Germans to practice with me, which mostly ended up hilariously funny in a mix of German, Dutch and English. The rest off the group is much better.. I think.

But some of them can hardly say ‘Ein bier bitte’ but maybe that had another reason.


Had diner with a group of Portuguese from kitchen party last night that was a mix made by Neha a Russian girl who made a traditional salad, Radji from Pakistan the curry master and the dragon eye tea and funky egg dish –don’t ask me what was in it- were made by Taiwanese Chena. American cookies for desert, freshly made by a couple from… And I bought the wine. Do need to make some pancakes soon I recon. My dad thought me this ‘secret’ recipe; replace the milk with beer. They are pretty damn tasty!

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