Last day of Sprachenschule tomorrow, been studying for the last hours and had left over egg fried rice out of a plastic bag. We will be getting –ore having- a test about prepositions: eating from a bag, out of a bag….
Can’t do English anymore. Had an early night last night and woke up cause my phone was ringing ‘Ja, hallo. Met wie spreek ik?…ehh sorry…Entschuldigung. I, mean sorry I was just aan het schlafen...sleep, sleep I mean!' But you get the idea.
‘…..Nothing is really only an idea, because physically everywhere is something. But maybe part of nothingness is that ultimately everything is pretty much the same in terms of physical presents. In other words even the most boring stuff, like snow, is actually physical as present as a diamond, or as a person. What makes it valuable, or not, is our projection into it, and that transformation interests me, how something suddenly through an emotional charge, becomes different. This idea that everything, from pure physical point of view, is pretty similar –for instance the density of atoms is actually not all that different from air and stone- is what interests me, and what we choose to see and not.’
- Wolfgang Tillmans - Hamburger Bahnhof, 21st March- 24 August
Hamburger Bahnhof is amazing. You should go there and have a look at Flanders Trees -Rodney Grahams- Lilith am Roten Meer -Anselm Kiefer- and of course Andy Warhol’s Mao.
Night night
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