How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. R. Buckminster Fuller

Monday, 14 April 2008

Grammar vs Dr. Pong

Grammar, please tell me about it! Went back home after class and felt a bit disarmed, had such a good practice yesterday but most of the lesson today was abracadabra. Made loads of notes that I didn't understand, and when Svea -my lovely teacher, bless her- it afterwards again explained I still had 'Keine Ahnung'

What is the difference between an Akkusative or Dativ noun and how it relates to the preposition….die, das, was, tas..o no!! lieft, stellt im, ins, unter, zwichen…or was it den or dem haus???

Been a very good girl and stayed in the whole night ‘trying’ to do my homework. Had some bean chili and a couple of beers and resisted the temptation of going along to Dr. Pong, a table tennis bar in Prenzlauerberg. Next time.

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