How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. R. Buckminster Fuller

Saturday 30 January 2010

purpose with an open end

When it’s up to me I don’t really think about why I do the things I do and why I don’t do it any other way that might be more logical. I don’t need to have a reason to do something, only a desire to do it.

Mostly I get very excited when I start doing something out of the blue, where will it take me? It’s a sort of happiness that makes my brain fizz and wonder of into a worlds, ways and stories. My mind gets flipped inside out into a parallel world where everything is possible and no explanation has to be given.

This afternoon for example… I started to sort the stuff I’ve been collecting during the past three weeks or so. Egg boxes together with egg boxes, empty jars with empty jars, tetra packs with tetra packs, vitamin tablet tubes next to vitamin tablet tubes, plastic kiwi trays stacked together with plastic kiwi trays.

After cleaning and ordering them into mice piles I took some out and started cutting them into any random shape my scissor told me to. Two hours later I stopped, put the pieces into boxes and placed the boxes next to the old school bench in my room and smiled. Made a coffee and sank into the kitchen sofa where I started at the knives on the wall whilst drinking my coffee. Kitchens are great.

Since I’ve been living in this lovely house the part of the kitchen where I usually save my things became a mix of empty and full packaging. I leave empty and full ones side to side. On purpose. This sometimes means that I think I still have something but it actually ran out the month before. Exciting stuff. Thinking of swapping packaging, maybe put muesli into a pasta bag or eggs into yoghurt cups.

Then I opened a word document and started writing. I love not knowing how this ends.

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