How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. R. Buckminster Fuller

Saturday 29 June 2013

its raining man

Its been raining today, all different kinds of rain from buckets till misty clouds. The snails love it, the lettuce tastes even better freshly washed I think :) Collecting snails and relocating them to outside of Schweibenalp is a important job on days like this.

Today  my day my sun was shining full force, together with 3 wonderful volunteers we made the house shine and had real nice talks for example about how important it is to do the things you do with love and devotion. I feel when I do this the it does not really matter what I do because then all feels just perfect. The thought of not always wanting to do something special, or be something special, but see the special in every moment and in everything.

Something special that might sound like just another meeting are the Gemeinschafts eveings, a round for the community that usually happens twice a week ...if not more. Its like a a family getting together where besides the sharing of everyday themes and events there is space to look at  relations, all sorts of  feeling and conflicts. A way I could describe these evenings is that through each other we are faced with mirrors and  learn and share to step by step find ways how we can see, love and accept ourselves and each other in all our diversity to be able to together grow experiment further in creating our playground of the future. Yesterday  the theme was the relation between man and woman and the process of conflict.

I wish I could explain it better, but a t the moment the words don't want to get out. For me these meetings are a great learning, that I can say very clear.

Just now came back from the Bar, little room next to the dining hall, where Charly and Norbert played guitar and sang oldies. Sang along and danced a little, so nice. Now going up to the Alphaus to sleep. Tomorrow Havan at 7.15 -Fire ceremony

Good night!

...a couple of days ago the sun was shining and it was summer dress weather! Had half a day off and went kayaking with Karsten on the lake of Brienz, so beautiful....

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